Sunday, 20 September 2015


Laughter is the one true thing everyone will always need. The most wasted day in one's life, is that in which we have not laughed. 
A distant cry is love lost, but the sound of laughter is one that'll last forever.
Life goes on only if we know what to do with it.
 Where your pleasure is, that is your treasure, where your heart is, there your happiness.

Happiness is the only thing on earth that cannot be paid by any diamonds gold or money.
I smile to many people for than a billion times, because I know am changing something about them.
Happiness is as a butterfly which, when pursued is always beyond our grasp.
Happiness is falling asleep next to your love ones and waking up seeing their beautiful faces.
To love is to place our happiness in the happiness of another. Such happiness can not be found at the end of the road, it is experienced along the way. 
Happiness is not putting on a smile when your heart is sad. Real happiness is to smile when your heart is open for it.
So take not for granted each moment of your life and your will find a reason to be happy each day.

So cherish every moment with those that make your happy, do things that gives you joy,  because when happiness is lost, it's sometimes take a very long time to recover. Do not stop meet that person, go on a picnic, go to the spa. Just do something and have fun 

Sunday, 13 September 2015


Blue is the color of trust and peace. 
It is suggest loyalty and integrity as well as conservatism and frigidity.
It is also the universal chosen most favorite color. It is the most calming color around. 
It is also know as the color of intuition and sixth sense. 
It is believed blue is the color of heaven.
A shade of royal blue defines royalty, superiority, and richness.
Dark blue portrays knowledge, intelligence, expertise, logic and dependability.
Aquamarine blue defines great ideas.

Blue creates feeling of trust and loyalty, that's why it is used in most corporate logos across the world. 
Some people believe blue can be depressive. Hence, the saying "feeling blues".
Lighter shades of blue have more calming effects and feeling of freedom. 
Darker shades talk more about authority, professionals, integrity, and sincerity.
It represents truth and also the color of communication.
It portrays the qualities of being neat. That's why hospital uses blue as their bed spread.
- Blue is considered to ward off evil. In ancient Egypt too, blue color was know to ward off evil spirits, and was often worn by the pharaohs. 
- In Hindu, blue is the clean color of Lord 'Krishna'.
- It denotes immortality in China.

               IN A NUT SHELL
peace, trust, calm, stability, harmony, unity, truth, faith, empathy, ideas, inspiration, friendship, infinity, confidence, security, cleaniness, order, loyalty, sky, 💧water, 😰cold, technology, depression.
So if blue is your best color then u have some of this trait in you.


Sunday, 6 September 2015



How well are you familiar with your colors?

Colors form an integral part of our lives. well  i will be bringing to you, the meanings of colors, the distinctive power of colors and their cultural symbolism .

This week I will be talking about the color RED.




                                        It is the second most favorite color on earth

Most of use see red as the color of danger and romance. Well there is more to the color red that that.
RED is the color of love, energy, seductive, passion, desire, action and determination.
 It is also the color of anger and sexual passion.
 It is an intense color, and defines many emotions and mood.
It also portraits danger and blood shed.
Lighter shades of red defines sexuality, passion and joy, while darker shades means anger, will power, aggression, leadership, range and courage.

                                                       THE POWER OF RED 

  • This is a color representing masculine energy.
  • It stimulates the appetite, and also physical sense like sexual passion.
  • It increases blood pressure.
  • It provokes the senses and makes a person react faster.
  • Red best serves for creativity and product selling that needs consumers to take action.

                                     CULTURAL SYMBOLISM OF RED  

    • In India and China and Nepal, you must have noticed their brides. They wear red traditionally as it brings good luck.
    •  In Christianity it stands for sacrifice, love and passion.
    • South Africans use red as a sign of mourning.